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List Your Pride Month Events

Pride Month is just around the corner, and we’re inviting community groups, organizations, and allies to share your events and activities with us. If you’re hosting an event, we want to hear from you!

Submit your event details using this link: https://form.jotform.com/241347682432154 to be listed in the Calendar of Pride Events.

This year’s Pride celebration theme is THRIVE! This theme is not merely a word but a declaration, a witness to our resilience, our joy, and our undying hope to create a world where everyone, regardless of who they love or how they identify, can truly thrive —not just today, but every day; not just at pride, but in every aspect of our lives. The events and activities you create allow all of us to thrive and grow.

Don’t forget, Rhode Island Pride Weekend in downtown Providence is June 14-16, 2024. We can’t wait to see you then and throughout the month.

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